Zeaborn Group & MPC Capital – large ship broker emerges
The Zeaborn Group and MPC Capital are pooling their shipbroking activities in a joint venture. Zeaborn will bring its Harper Petersen activities to the joint venture, while MPC Capital will contribute Contchart‘s business.
The Hamburg asset and investment manager MPC Capital AG (“MPC Capital”) and the Bremen shipping company ZEABORN GmbH & Co. KG (“Zeaborn”) are putting together their strengths in commercial ship management. Under the traditional shipbroker brand HARPER PETERSEN, the two companies are bundling their activities in the container ship chartering and commercial management sector in a newly founded joint venture. Zeaborn will bring its HARPER PETERSEN activities into the joint venture, while MPC Capital will contribute the CONTCHART business.
The new shared platform HARPER PETERSEN will be one of the largest commercial container ship managers worldwide. The company will manage more than 160 ships with a total capacity of around 500,000 TEU. With ship sizes from 700 TEU to 8,500 TEU, HARPER PETERSEN will provide a diversified fleet in terms of size, age, equipment and sustainability requirements.
Centuros advised and supported the Zeaborn Group in this transaction.
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