MICE access saved despite the Corona crisis
We are pleased to report that we were able to successfully accompany another company suffering from the consequences of the corona pandemic in a structured investor process and thus to ensure the continuation of operations with all employees.
The MICE industry (meetings, incentives, conventions, events) is particularly affected by the current corona crisis: event bans, travel warnings, exit restrictions and other measures restrict business and make regular business operations impossible. The management of the previously profitable MICE Acess GmbH had to file for bankruptcy at the district court in Norderstedt in April 2020.
In close cooperation with Centuros, the court-appointed insolvency administrator Dr. Hagen von Diepenbroick (Münzel & Böhm) and Managing Director & founder Sven Bergerhausen consolidate and fully maintain the business operations. During the project at MICE Acess GmbH, the focus laid on identifying and addressing potential investors. After successfully approaching investors and negotiating with several interested parties, the business operations and assets of MICE Access GmbH were sold to Meetingselect BV on August 1, 2020 as part of an asset deal. Centuros exclusively advised and supported the insolvency administrator on this transaction. All jobs could be preserved.
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